

and research spirit!


Innovation in grain corn

Challenges in agriculture let KWS rethink grain corn. Breeding innovative, early grain corn varieties with fast dry-down helps tackle agronomic and economic challenges. DryDown+ varieties show exceptional maturing behavior and can be harvested early with the usual grain moisture or at the usual harvest time with a low

That means lower drying costs, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, and less labor for farmers. DryDown+ also allows cultivation in regions previously dominated by winter cereals and promotes diverse crop rotations. The first variety, KWS NEVO, is already on the market.

Grain corn unimaginable? And yet possible! With DryDown+

Extended crop rotation

Saved costs for drying

Sustainable cultivation of grain corn

High & stable yields


Vegetables also take off

For years, KWS INITIO has been a successful example of how we adopt a holistic approach to our product. Treating seeds with the innovative treatment solution lays the foundation for strong and healthy plants. That’s because KWS INITIO allows plants to withstand challenging growing conditions, whilst protecting and strengthening them against emergence diseases and pests. The multi-part treatment solution comprising fungicides, insecticides and biostimulants optimizes the youth development and efficiency of the plants – across different crops. Depending on require-ments, different versions of the seed treatment are available for sugarbeet, corn, oilseed rape, rye, sorghum and now also vegetables. Spinach is the first vegetable crop to be included in KWS INITIO.

Boost your crop! KWS INITIO

KWS hybrid barley

Where experience meets the future

KWS has been breeding barley, one of the most important cereal crops, since the 1920s and today is one of the leading suppliers in this segment in Europe. 100 years later, a KWS hybrid barley is the latest addition to the portfolio. This first KWS hybrid winter barley variety was introduced to the UK market in early 2024 and we are now preparing for its launch in other countries as well. Providing the potential for

hybrid barley promises many benefits. With constant progress in breeding, KWS is driving forward the development of new varieties with improved properties that keep pace with market requirements. The aim is to continue to offer farmers solutions with added value in the future whilst also strengthening our own competitiveness.

KWS event

Spanish nights

A test field at night and a spectac-ular lighting panorama. These are the ingredients for sensational KWS events in Spain. Since 2020 the test area in Simancas in the Spanish province of Valladolid has been the venue for an impressive sales event two times a year. This unique idea also has the practical advantage of a cool evening temperature, which makes networking much more pleasant for everyone involved. While the main focus in May is on cereals and oilseed rape, September focuses on corn and sugarbeet. The event kicks off with lectures, followed by a dinner that ushers in the festive part of the event. After dark, the illuminated trial field offers farmers and other partners from Spain and Portugal the ideal setting to experience unforgettable moments with KWS.

KWS varieties

Why are they called that?

What does the former Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho have to do with KWS? And why are we naming a corn variety after him? Good question! A new KWS variety has been bred, but what should it be called? Ideally, the name should evoke positive associations, be easy to remember, and emphasize the best properties of the product.

A taboo in finding a name
The name is too similar to another variety. In the case of a new variety name, the name must differ from an existing one by at least two letters.

Since the regulatory authorities require a name in the first year of variety testing, a team from different KWS departments is working on a list of

This preselection goes to colleagues worldwide to ensure the internationality of a name. In the final step, the name is checked and approved by the plant variety offices in the respective country of distribution.

KWS sugarbeet varieties, such as MARABELLA and TALENTINA, have for years ended with an “a” and the names of our corn products with an “o.” Some varieties, such as RONALDINIO, a versatile team player in our portfolio, successful in many fields around the world, trigger the desired positive mental image for everyone involved.