
Four segments.
One goal:

High-yielding seeds

KWS continued to develop successfully in fiscal 2023/24, despite the once again demanding environment, generating double-digit growth in net sales and earnings. Above all, the sugarbeet and cereals segments scored with innovative varieties.

Net sales 2023/24
in €M

EBIT 2023/24
in €M


The sale of our corn business in China and South America played a major role in the financial year. KWS is thus taking an important step as part of its strategic orientation.

  • Less corn was cultivated worldwide in the reporting year. By contrast, the European market for silage corn, in which KWS is the market leader, was stable.
  • Net sales for the corn business remaining with KWS fell by 5 percent and were primarily impacted by currency effects. In contrast, earnings rose to € 39 (19) million. This clear improvement arose from the sale of the Chinese corn business. Our North American joint venture AgReliant once again fell short of expectations in a highly competitive environment.
  • We spent almost € 40 million on expanding and modernizing our production facilities in Turkey, France, Romania and Ukraine.

Net sales 2023/24
in €M

EBIT 2023/24
in €M

Net sales 2023/24
in €M

EBIT 2023/24
in €M


A new market in our sights: Five years after taking the first step in the Vegetables sector, we have reached further milestones and are represented in key regions with more than 300 employees.

  • In Uberlândia, Brazil, a research and breeding station was inaugurated as a hub for the South American vegetable market. Another station has gone into operation in Sinaloa, Mexico. A new R&D center is being built in Andijk in the Netherlands to expand our activities there, particularly in spinach and beans.
  • KWS was able to maintain its leading market position in spinach seed. However, turnover fell by 12 percent – mainly due to a drop in demand in China. However, sales of bean seed rose by 11 percent.
  • The development of our vegetable breeding program requires time, expertise and financial resources: The result was therefore negative, as expected, and fell due to higher expenses and depreciation.

Net sales 2023/24
in €M

EBIT 2023/24
in €M